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President Trump’s LeBron James Tweet Shows How Different The First Lady Thinks Compared To Him

President Trump recently attacked LeBron James by indicating he wasn’t smart.

This proved to be another way for his wife, First Lady Melania Trump to show him up.

Mrs. Trump had on a few occasions showed discontent with her husband’s behavior and continued to do so.

A month ago she was distraught when he allowed immigration to separate children from their parents. She then visited some of them and asked that both parties stop for the sake of the families.

Melania wasn’t the only one who seemed to disapprove with the President. His daughter recently considered the media to be doing a good job.

Trump had for a long time said that the media was promoting a lot of fake news.

Trump’s Tweet

Trump attacked James after an interview with Don Lemon of CNN. Lemon was also known as a person who was opposed to Trump.

James had said during the interview that he wouldn’t sit across from the President and it brought a rebuttal. This wasn’t the first time the two men spoke not so nicely of each other.

Trump tweeted, “Lebron James was just interviewed by the dumbest man on television, Don Lemon,” Trump said in an online swipe at a news network he often derides. “He made Lebron look smart, which isn’t easy to do.”

However James was being praised for his approach to those less fortunate. He had started a Foundation to help those in need. Now he had built a school to help many young people gain an education and better themselves.

His approach received praise from the President’s wife and she totally disagreed with her husband.

Good Work

This move by Melania had been considered a new way of being the First Lady. It appeared to many people that she was redefining the role of the President’s wife.

Stephanie Grisham, Melania spokesperson spoke on her behalf and gave a statement.

“It looks like LeBron James is working to do good things on behalf of our next generation and just as she always has, the First Lady encourages everyone to have an open dialogue about issues facing children today,” said Grisham.

“Her platform centers around visiting organizations, hospitals and schools, and she would be open to visiting the I Promise School in Akron,” she added.

It was clear that all wasn’t well with how Trump’s family viewed his approach and now they were distancing themselves in some way.

Their actions seemed to describe what it is like to deal with Trump and certainly don’t show any faith in his behavior.

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