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President Trump Talks Cabinet Shakeup As His Team Accused Of Big Spending

The recent firing of Rex Tillerson had left a pondering mood in the White House. President Trump had joked at the recent Gridiron dinner about who would be next to leave the White House.

Not long after making the comment, Trump fired Tillerson from office and appointed Mike Pompeo. It was also said that others could find themselves exiting as well.

It appeared that Trump had issues with many of the persons he had working in his administration.

Reports indicated that H.R McMaster was at odds with Trump on policy and may soon be out. Ben Carson could also be on the radar after his attempt to purchase a $31,000 dining set for his office.

The administration also faced pressure for high spending.

Big Spenders

Trump had said months before that his Cabinet members were exceptional men and women.

“A great trust has been placed upon each member of our Cabinet,” he declared. “We have a Cabinet that — there are those that are saying it’s one of the finest group of people ever assembled . . . as a Cabinet. And I happen to agree with that.”

Now those words could haunt Trump as his Cabinet was accused of high spending.

Many members had been accused of spending lavishly on travel, personal items and other activities.

“If the Government is going to be run efficiently, he’s got to clean up a lot of the messes that have gone on at these agencies and, to be honest, replace a lot of people,” said Shermichael Singleton. Singleton was once an adviser to Ben Carson.

Barry Bennett who worked with Ben Carson at one point had much to say as well.

“Staff needs to get better and principals need to get smarter about asking questions like, ‘How much does this cost?’ ” Bennett said. “All of these folks are all new to Washington power, and so are their staffs. At their power level, anything is possible.”

Shake Up

Larry Kudlow who was named Director of the National Economic Council replaced Gary Cohn.

“The greatest and most important thing for this and any other country that rapid economic growth and prosperity for everyone,” Kudlow said. “That is my basic view and it has been for decades.”

Trump had made comments previously to the firing of Tillerson.

“It’s tough. I like conflict. I like having two people with different points of view and I certainly have that,” Mr. Trump said. “And then I make a decision. But I like watching it. I like seeing it. And I think it’s the best way to go. I like different points of view.”

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